The online mentoring space to heal from narcissistic abuse
Recovery Patterns of Codependence
Progressive Patterns of Codependent Behaviours
Below are some positive affirmations that may help you to encourage you with changing your communication patterns.
I think clearly and determine what is right or wrong for me.
I have the ability to say “no” to old thoughts and to change them to new healthier ones.
I can say ‘yes’ to what I want and ‘no’ to what I don’t want. The choice is mine.
I have a clear sense of myself in any relationship.
I have the courage to maintain boundaries, even if others disapprove.
I am free from the fear, anger or moodiness of others. I can detach with love.
My sexuality and spirituality are divinely intertwined.
I am free to express my sexuality in a safe and loving relationship.
In this moment I am free from the desire to blame others or myself.
I make peace with myself as I practice forgiveness.
In this moment I apply love in my thoughts, my words and my actions.
I am filled with a deep sense of the ones of all life.
I am filed with a deep sense of the oneness of all life.
I deserve to live a happy, successful life.
I deserve comfort and compassion. I forgive myself for accepting sex when I wanted love.
I can allow myself ample leisure time, without feeling guilty.
I am accepting, loving, forgiving.
I am loveable and I deserve love.
I take care of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually.
No matter what my life experience has been, I grow in forgiveness.
I know who I am
I deserve the good things that happen in my life.
I am a good friend, and I have good friends.
I experience recovery and trust the process.
The love of the universe is with me as I go through this day.
The stress of work has no effect on how I feel about myself.
I can handle it, whatever it is.
Just for today I will respect my own and other’s boundaries.
Just for today I will be vulnerable with someone I trust.
Just for today I will take one compliment and hold it in my heart for more than just a fleeting moment. I will let it nurture me.
Just for today I will act in a way that I would admire in someone else.
I am a precious person.
I have a right to be here, to exist.
I am a worthwhile person.
I am beautiful inside and outside.
I love myself unconditionally.
I can allow myself ample leisure time without feeling guilty.
I desire to be loved by others and myself.
I am loved because I deserve love.
I forgive myself for accepting sex when I wanted love.
I am willing to accept love.
I am capable of changing.
The pain that I might feel by remembering can’t be worse than the pain I feel by knowing and not remembering.
I am enough, I have enough.
I release old worn-out behaviors in my life.
In this moment, I trust myself.
I am safe and secure.
I am exactly where I need to be and when I am ready I have the power to move on.
I am equal to the situation that is before me.
I have the ability to accomplish, I am competent.
The good that I desire in my life comes to pass.
I see my life as a series of opportunities – as one door shuts, another one opens.
Every uncomfortable situation has a solution.
I love my body just as it is right now.
I ask my Higher Power to wrap my body in thoughts of love and comfort.
I forgive myself for judging my body as unworthy.
I accept change.
I am grateful for who I am and what I have.
As I allow myself to grieve, I heal my sadness and create a space for joy.
I accept, own and experience all my feelings.
I have the ability to give and accept love.