The online mentoring space to heal from narcissistic abuse
"Healing from narcissistic abuse is often a complex, difficult and painful path to navigate. I created Narc & Co, to support all courageous victims breaking free of narcissistic abuse. Every member of the Narc & Co team have both experienced narcissistic abuse, survived, healed and created within them, a healthy, self loving self. We are here online to make accessing support easy and convenient for you.
- Nick Kerry; Psychotherapist MSc - Founder Narc & Co

Dear Nick
The 14th Feb is the one year anniversary of the day you made me look reality in the face
It has been an awful journey, but with you & Clare by my side one I am surviving , indeed now coming out the other side. I have prepared this testimonial for Clare, but wanted you to see it too . To thank you and let you know how life changing Clare has been for me.
KS; Narc & Co client
Men, women, children, families of all ages, economic stature, or social classifications and nationalities are victims of narcissistic abuse. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, friends, partners, bosses, teachers, aunts, uncles, cousins; anyone you know may be an abusive person. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THE NARCISSIST. You may only change you.
Visit the helpful resources within our website and reach out today for a consultation.

Client Testimony:
For the first time in my life I understood that I was not responsible for the abuse and how to change my behaviors to make sure I did not get in another narcissistic relationship. I learned boundaries and realized that I had zero self love or self worth. My mentor was kind and helpful, encouraging and held me to goals and celebrated my achievements. I would not be the successful woman I am today if I had not invested in myself and healed my narc wounds, and discovered and righted my co-dependent ways.
Client name with-held for confidentiality.